Curriculum Vitae - Giselda Costa
in Arts/Linguistics (PhD) -Federal
University of Pernambuco, UFPE, Brazil. – Title: MOBILE LEARNING: Exploring potentialities with the use of cell phones in teaching – learning English as a foreign language with public school students.
Degree in Arts/Linguistics – Federal University of Pernambuco, UFPE, Brazil.
– Title: The English textbook: uses of intensifiers in dialogues. |
Technologist in Educational Technologies – Estácio de Sá
University, Rio de Janeiro- Brazil. |
2019- current |
of the master's course in Linguistics at the State University of Piaui-
UESPI- Teresina ( Linguistics departament). |
1996-2017 |
Full Professor of Mather Language at the Federal
Institute of Piaui- IFPI. ( |
2015-2015 |
Participated in the VET Teacher for the Future course at the University of Applied Sciences – HAMK, Finland. |
2012-2012 |
PhD Researcher at the Faculty of Psychology
and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra – Portugal – Advisor:
Profa. Dr. Ana Amélia de Carvalho. (Full Professor). |
Research Area: communication theories, Pragmatics, Critical visual / Multimodality texts, Rhetorical agency, Impoliteness, Social media, Disinformation/Fakenews, Enviromental literacy and language teacher training.
2023 2023
2022 2022 |
SANTOS COSTA, Giselda dos; SILVA.M.V.M. (De)construction of misinformation on social media: encapsulated textual echoes of credibility. IN. (org.) et al. Language and interaction in educational contexts / Organizers: Herbertt Neves, Lílian Melo Guimarães, Otávia Pedrosa, Ricardo Rios Barreto Filho and Giselda Costa. – 1st ed. – Campinas, SP: Pontes Editores, 2023; ISBN: 978-65-5637-940-1 Herbertt (org.) et al. Language and interaction in educational contexts / Organizers: Herbertt Neves, Lílian Melo Guimarães, Otávia Pedrosa, Ricardo Rios Barreto Filho and Giselda Costa. – 1st ed. – Campinas, SP: Pontes Editores, 2023; ISBN: 978-65-5637-940-1 SANTOS COSTA, Giselda dos. Twitter: a pragmatic analysis of impoliteness strategies in social media comments. In: SANTOS COSTA, Giselda dos. Twitter: a pragmatic analysis of impoliteness strategies in social media comments. In: COSTA, Giselda; ROBOREDO SEARA, Isabel; ALBUQUERQUE, Rodrigo.Dossier: Impoliteness/discourtesy and hate speech in public social interactions. LETRAS EM REVISTA, [S.l.], v. 13, n. 01, mar. 2023. ISSN 2318-1788. Disponível em: <>. COSTA, Giselda; ROBOREDO SEARA, Isabel; ALBUQUERQUE, Rodrigo. Dossier: Impoliteness/discourtesy and hate speech in public social interactions. LETRAS EM REVISTA, [s.l.], v. 13, no. 01, Mar. 2023. ISSN 2318-1788. Available at: Accessed on: 22 Mar. 2023.
2020 |
dos. (2020). Critical environmental literacy in teaching
English as a foreign language . In: Ana Amélia A. Carvalho, Sónia Cruz, Célio Gonçalo Marques, Adelina
Moura and Adalina Santos (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th
Meeting on Games and Mobile Learning. Coimbra University. Faculty
of Psychology and Educational Sciences,
LabTE. ISBN :978-972-8627-96-6. (pp: 552-558).
2019 |
COSTA, Giselda dos. Applying theoretical concepts in educational
activities in the field of mlearning: affordance, agency and rhizome .Teaching Magazine of the Basic Education
School of the Federal University of Uberlândia. UFU. Looks &
Trails – Uberlândia – vol21, n. 1 – Jan/April. 2019- p.84-97 – ISSN
2018 |
SANTOS COSTA, Giselda dos. Language & culture in teaching English as a
foreign language: the sociocultural experience of some exchange students at
the Instituto Federal do Piauí . RIAEE – Ibero-American Journal of Studies in Education,
Araraquara, v. 13, no. esp1, p.381-393, May 2018. E-ISSN: 1982-5587. DOI:
2018 |
SANTOS COSTA, Giselda dos. Mobile learning and proximal development zone:
transforming language teaching and learning through mobile technology . Polyphony, Cuiabá-MT, v. 25,
no. 37.2, p. 206-220, Jan.-April 2018. E-ISSN: 2237 6844.
2018 |
SANTOS COSTA, Giselda dos. (2018). M-learning:
critical thinking in an English language classroom through video clip reading . In: Ana Amélia A. Carvalho, Sónia Cruz, Célio Gonçalo Marques, Adelina
Moura and Adalina Santos (eds.) Minutes of the 4th
Meeting on Games and Mobile Learning. Coimbra University. Faculty
of Psychology and Educational
Sciences,LabTE. ISBN:978-972-8627-79-9.
2016 2016 |
Giselda dos. and XAVIER, Antonio Carlos (2016). Critical visual literacy: the new phase of Applied
Linguistics in the era of mobile Technolog y . In:
New perspectives on teaching and working with languages in the digital
era. Antonio
Pareja-Lora, Cristina Calle - Martínez, Pilar Rodríguez - Arancón
(org). Article DOI: 1 0.14705/rpnet.2016.tislid2014.434 SANTOS COSTA, Giselda dos. (2016). Cellatschool PLUS: a new hybrid app design for teaching and learning English as a foreign language . In: Ana Amélia A. Carvalho, Sónia Cruz, Célio Gonçalo Marques, Adelina Moura and Adalina Santos (eds.) Minutes of the 3rd Meeting on Games and Mobile Learning. Coimbra University. Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, LabTE.ISBN: 9789729559594
2016 |
SANTOS COSTA, Giselda dos. (2016). 21st century skills: building critical thinking through visual literacy. In: International Congress of Critical Applied Linguistics. At the University of Brasília- UNB. ISBN 978-85-7846-355-7- I International Congress of Critical Applied Linguistics. . Anais. |
2021 |
Lecture with the theme
"impoliteness, hate speech and social networks" at the Seminar Ten years of PPGL/UESPI : producing knowledge and training
researchers. |
Workshop "impoliteness and social
networks" at the VII National Hipertext Colloquium ( CHIP ). Teresina-
Piauí- Brazil |
Oral Comunication "Applying BioEconomy: Using the podcast to
improve listening and writing skills and raise awareness of environmental
protection .
Universidade Federal do Piauí - Brazil. |
Lecture “ Okay. Google? * Exploring voice interaction assistant &
Artificial Intelligence in a language room ” at
the National Week of Science and Technology SNCT of the Federal Institute of
Piauí-IFPI. (03/18/2021) |
Oral Communication “Mobile Learning:
Exploring Affordances of Cellphone to Encourage Critical Thinking and Student
Agency in Language Classroom”. In. The International CALLmi Symposium : Where are you going? Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore -
Milan- Italy. |
Oral communication “Applying theoretical
concepts in educational activities in the field of Mlearning: affordance,
agency and rhizome”. III National Symposium on Digital Technologies in
Education – III – SNTDE 2018. Federal University of Maranhão- UFMA. São Luiz – Brazil. |
Workshop " Exploring
digital information and communication technologies (TDIC) in the classroom:
digital genres - online reading and textual production " . III National Symposium
on Digital Technologies in Education – III – SNTDE 2018. Federal University of Maranhão-
UFMA. São Luiz – Brazil. |
Title: Sociopragmatic analysis of impoliteness in editorials and tweets from Brazilian newspapers about the second round of the 2018 presidential election
Master's student: Mirela Araújo Filgueiras - Date: March 17, 2024
Title: An analysis of illocutionary speech acts in the case of Kathlen Romeu in twitter comments
Master's student: Kalinka Maria Leal Madeira - Date: June 28, 2023
Online dissertation link- here
Title: Transpositions of meanings in the online video dictionary
Master's student: Paula Fabiana Melo de Cardoso Martins - Date: March 29, 2023
Online dissertation link- here
Title: Exploring teachers' perceptions regarding emergency online teaching at UESPI's PPG-letras during the covid-19 pandemic in light of the affordances theory
Master's student: Frederico Lopes Soares Diniz - Date: July 22, 2022
Online dissertation link- here
Title: Videoconference in UESPI PPGL master's defenses in times of pandemic: an analysis of affordances.
Master's student: Brísia Barbosa - Date: March 31, 2022
Online dissertation link- here
Title: (De)construction of misinformation on social media: encapsulated textual echoes of credibility
Master's student: Mônica Valéria mineiro da silva - Date: September 24, 2021
Online dissertation link - here
7 PROJECTS (the last 6 projects)
2018-2022 |
Blogging in the classroom: a
multimodal critical rhetoric |
2017-2020 |
Applying bioeconomy in teaching
English as a foreign language |
2015- 2017 |
Critical visual literacy: the new phase of
applied linguistics in the era of mobile technology |
2014 - 2015 |
Improve critical thinking
through multimodal text |
2012- 2014 |
Fairy tales: transcultural
stories in the light of critical literacy |
2016 – Full Professor at
the Federal Institute of Piauí – UFPI
2015 – CNPq Scholarship (5 months) at the University of Applied Science HAMK,
2012 – Internship “Doctoral Sandwich” at the Faculty of Psychology and
Educational Science of the University of Coimbra-Portugal.
- High School
Coordinator of the Federal Institute of Piauí
- Campus Floriano - Teaching Representative of the Superior Council
of the Federal Institute of Piauí
- IFPI - Member of the Structuring Faculty Committee of the Higher
Course in Computer Science at the Federal Institute of Piauí – IFPI
– President of the Commission in Charge to Regulate the Foreign Language
Teaching Nucleus-NELE-IFPI
– Coordinator of Projects in General Culture and Teacher of English and Culture
of Peoples.
(2017- current) – Scientific journal POLIFONIA in the area of
linguistic studies – Brazil
(2017- current) – Journal of English Language, English Literature and Cultural
Studies – Brazil
(2016 – current) Member of the 3rd Committee . 4th 5th Meeting on Games
and Mobile Learning. Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences –
University of Coimbra – Portugal.
-Website Designing (Intermediate) -Webmaster Services (Intermediate)
- Scientific Writing (Advanced)
-Develop home page and blog -video editing -Photoshop
-Software (Windows, Microsoft Office, PowerPoint, online course designer (e-learning)- knowledge of many types
of technology for education.
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