Misinformation: textual echoes masked of credibility

Lecturer:  Giselda Costa -State University of Piauí - Brazil - Linguistics department

Duration of Session: 1 hour 

Day: 13/12/2021

Target Audience: Teachers and educators 

Programme Capacity: Minimum of 20 pax


This workshop aims to equip educators with the knowledge and skills of applying information literacy in combating misinformation.   Besides that the teachers  will create a misinformation   to gain insights into linguistic strategies that authors use to make information credible. Participants should be divided into groups depending on the number present and choose whichever newspapers or magazines online. They will now be able to cut works and paste them over articles to change their meaning in order to create false information. They can take an article and completely change its meaning by pasting words over it. The more coherent and/or funny the narrative is, the more the exercise will have succeeded. Teachers are recommended to prepare a laptop or smartphone as they will participate in interactive activities conducted via the Nearpod.


Awareness building:  Encourage  teachers to think, challenge and question what they see online  through the activity of “creating a misinformation”. The goal of this activity is to have participants invent false information based on information they will select from website online. The workshop will consist of three phases:

  • An introduction outlining the themes and turns

  • ‘misinformation’ – snipping exercise

  • Discussion and conclusion in padlet

Participants will be able to:

•Understanding  how we deconstruct meaning in visual images;

• Developing critical reflective thinking regarding news;

•Understanding  how we read images (still / moving) using semiotics;

• Appying knowledge and design and create an activity.


Zoom platform





Participants can each in turn write their article and discuss it. Hopefully the others will laugh at the results. We will encourage them to question the information found on the internet and to realise that it is not always true. ‘Real’ fake news is not as funny because there is nothing innocent about spreading false information. Finally, you can discuss misinformation. This will be the workshop’s key word.

At the end of the workshop (part I), teachers will be asked to   create a misinformation and provide the feedback through the padlet.


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