Applying BioEconomy: Using the podcast to improve listening and writing skills and raise awareness of environmental protection.
Aplicação da Economia Circular : Uso do podcast para melhorar as habilidades de audição e escrita e aumentar a conscientização sobre a proteção ambiental.
Apresentamos um cenário de aprendizagem envolvendo a Educação no desenvolvimento da sustentabilidade dentro da sala de língua inglesa como língua estrangeira.
Como aplicar tópicos da “Economia Circular” no ensino de Inglês como língua Estrangeira usando Podcast.
Education for sustainable development & Linguistics
Applying BioEconomy: Using the podcast to improve listening and writing skills and raise awareness of environmental protection.
Giselda dos Santos Costa
Subject English: Biology – Chemistry- Mechanical Engineering
Topic: This scenario is intended how to integrate bioeconomy topics in teaching English as a foreign language.
Age of students: Scholars of 15-17 years old.
Preparation time; The activity will need a preparation of 2 academic hours
Teaching time: The activity will take around 4 academic hours
Online teaching material: Google Doc, Wi-Fi, site download podcast, QR code
Offline teaching material: Papers, Students Cell Phone, Podcast, Slideshow
Bioeconomy resources used: https://www.ellenmacarthurfoundation
CC BY- SA. This license allows others to remix, adapt and create from their work, even for commercial purposes, as long as they give it credit and license the new creations under identical terms.
We have integrated the bioeconomy theme in the English lesson as a foreign language. We used the podcast called “Plastic life” at Papo do Professor site recorded by Prof. Dr. Rudy Folkersma.
He is a Professor Sustainable Polymers at NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences – The Netherlands. This podcast is used as authentic material for better listening and writing in English as a foreign language and at the same time improve critical thinking about preserving the environment, using plastic in a circular economy. Tuzlukova, V et al. (2017) say that language teachers have an obligation to provide students with an opportunity to develop critical thinking skills. These skills should then become a habit whenever they communicate in a foreign language, and connect it to real-life problems.
The important thing is not the technology itself, but the pedagogy. The way we put in to work the content of the podcast. Podcasting offers the opportunity for lecturers to easily broadcast engaging audio content. Students can then listen to it at any time and wherever they are. Podcasts can be downloaded to a mobile device, allowing the student to access the learning resources anytime, anywhere, with very little effort.
-Personal learning environment-the online learning environment you engage with is tailored to your personal needs, learning style and personal interests.
-Collaborative learning-a strong focus on group work.
-Student-centred learning-students and their needs are at the centre of the learning process.
-Peer learning-students learn from peers and give each other feedback.
-Mobile learning-we get access to knowledge through smartphones and tablets. It is learning anytime, anywhere
-Learning materials-shift from textbooks to web resources and open source books.
-Lifelong learning- learning does not stop when leaving school
List the relevant trends that the lesson incorporates:
We will use as the activity of the technique of the discursive pyramid or Snowball groups.
The Discourse Pyramid is a technique based on the exchange of ideas or solutions. It is an oral activity that involves students who solve problems in small groups. It encourages the practice of argumentative acts in confrontations with ideas and opinions. This method involves progressive duplication: students first work alone, then in pairs, then in groups of four, and so on. In most cases, after working in groups of four, students gather for a plenary session in which their conclusions or solutions are gathered or presented. Jordan (1990) provides some steps for the applicability of this technique in the classroom:
1-The teacher produces some problem activity.
2-The teacher asks the students individually to answer it.
3-The teacher divides the students into pairs and then they discuss their arguments and points of view until they come to consensus.
4-The teacher divides the students into groups of four and asks them to compare their answers and discuss again until they reach an agreement.
5-The teacher asks each group to present the answers of the activity in progress.
6-Teacher gives your feedback.
Name of activity | Procedure | Time |
1-The students individually listen to the podcast using their cell phones. | | 10 min |
2- The students individually answer the questions. | The students will listen to the podcast “ Plastic Life” and answer the following questions: | 50 min |
3- The teacher divide the room into pairs to discuss the answers. After each student has the opportunity to share their ideas, the pair joined another pair, creating a group of four. | | 50 min |
4-Once the groups of four are formed; the students shared their ideas with the new pair-reaching consensus. | | 50 min |
5- A representative of each group present their answers to the class. | 50 min |
Before starting the presentations, the teacher gives clear instructions and sets deadlines for the delivery of criticisms and suggestions in an online format (GoogleDocs). The students receive the observation criteria in printed form, and then they can discuss about each criterion to be used, such as:
1- Suggest students use three steps to give feedback: praise, suggestions, and corrections;
2 -Exemplify some models of statements to guide different types of feedback in the online tool, such as, (“My favorite part was ………… because ……………………”). After starting with something positive, students would point out areas that could be improved in terms of content, style, voice and clarity (“The suggestion I can offer for improvement is ………………”).
3-Emphasize that a “constructive feedback” is to give your opinion on areas that need to be improved, without criticizing the person.
In this context, students will be evaluated in their writing, anonymously, by their peers. Look at the link (Google Docs) of the criteria worksheet used in this class.
Jordan, R.R. ELT. ( 1990) Journal: Pyramid Discussions. Volume 44, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Tuzlukova, V., Al Busaidi, S. and Burns, S. L. (2017) Critical thinking in the Language Classroom: teacher beliefs. Pertanika J. Soc. Sci. & Hum. 25 (2): 615 – 634.
*Image Credit: “IFPI Students Campus Zona Sul” by Giselda Costa/ CC BY – AS
Applying BioEconomy: Using multimodal text to improve linguistics skill and raise awareness of environmental protection in teaching English as a foreign language.
The International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) estimate that in Brazil, about 2 million tons of waste will stop in the oceans every year. The volume is equivalent to cover 7 thousand football fields. According to the study, Brazil is the fourth country in the world to generate the most plastic waste – 11.3 million tons per year (behind the United States, China and India). And only 1.2% of it is recycled. Concerned about this Brazilian scenario,this communication aims to show the result of a learning strategy, using the critical visual literacies of a video with mobile technology to help teachers integrate some topic of bioeconomy in an English classroom as a foreign language. The research sample involved 31 students of High School from Federal Institute of Piauí- Brazil. Data from the study were collected through an online google doc and analyzed based on descriptive statistics. The results revealed that: (1) the activity helped guide students to reflect on the social issues emphasized the multimodal reading of the video and raise awareness of environmental protection, (2) all study participants (100%) considered it significant to incorporate the development of critical thinking about the environment into language teaching with the help of mobile technology. According to Tuzlukova, V et al. (2017) language teachers have an obligation to provide students with an opportunity to develop critical thinking skills. These skills should then become a habit whenever they read, write, speak or listen to the language, and connect real-life problems. Sosa (2009) believes that the critical literacies are seeking to capitalize the voices and experiences that students bring to school, valuing them as citizens and agents of changes.
KEYWORDS: visual literacy, critical thinking, mobile learning, bioeconomy, English as a foreign language.
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